Yes, Umair, you are finally getting the message, the one artists of all kinds get very frequently. We live that message and are visited by grace over and over. That's what happened to you with the two older women with their grief for their baby bichons. Visited by graceful gestures like you were. Living in grace all the time - if you're listening. I've been forgetting to listen lately, for quite awhile actually. Times have been very, very tough. Then I was very sick for a very long time - but finally had an organ transplant that saved my life, turned it around. Being touched by grace like that - teaches us so much. I'm listening to the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu talk about love, in all its forms. An audiobook from my library. What a gift, these two men just conversing and teaching me about their universe. Next I will listen to The Book of Hope by Jane Goodall. Why should she see hope, we wonder? But she does. And I want hope - in this world we seem to be destroying. We are destroying it, piece by piece. But we can stop. And create Hope. Live in a better place.