Umair, I gave you my "usual" 50 claps, all I'm allowed. But wanted to give you 150,000 claps and keep clapping. A standing ovation. Today's essay is beautiful and clear-eyed and reminded me of how I thought of the "little things" in life when I was a child. I grew up in a "buggy" place, Florida.
When I saw a big hairy spider, I'd be frightened out of my little mind. But also just stupendous by how such an actually rather small thing (compared to even 4-year-old me) could scare me that much. One day in the bathroom alone, a fly was buzzing around the room with me - I screamed then, too.
But I also went to a nearby lake and caught tiny minnows and the tiniest black tadpoles - scoop them up, set them in a jar of water and brought them home. For our aquarium, then watched them swim and grow. The tadpoles into itty-bitty frogs - what miracles I witnessed. They all died at some point. I'm certain we gave them the wrong food. Then I was sad.
When I lived in Hawaii, a gecko moved into my apt., lived on my living room wall. He'd clearly greet me every time I walked in the door. I loved that little guy. He knew me - probably better than any of my friends did then. I loved being greeted when I came home. Put a smile on my face.
Now I live in a high desert, in Denver. Dry, hot, then cold. No bugs. But this summer I noticed - not even ants! I adore and so admire ants for their intelligence, organization, and getting-along-ness. In mid-August, I just NOW noticed - there were NO ANTS. Now that frightens the hell out of me. We are moving along towards extinction indeed.