There are a LOT of Medium writers who want to teach others how to write. But mostly they’re trying to teach marketing — how to write to SELL your articles to other Medium writers. I don’t read those articles — I used to at first. But I’ve written whole novels on my own. Not published.
I can understand why these articles telling you how to write “blow your mind.” You already write well. You’re accomplished and you’ve had your work published. And you have spoken with famous writers.
So I’m still curious. Did you respond to an article I wrote about writing? I only wrote one. Just basic stuff and nothing about marketing. I would like to discuss writing or just share what I write with another writer. I’ve gotten stuck lately and don’t even journal anymore. I call it pandemic paralysis but I really don’t know why I’ve lost interest in writing.
What do you want next in life? Are you interested in…being in contact with me?