The picture at the beginning? I’ve stood under many, many cold waterfalls and absolutely loved it! I was with my friends, we were having fun. And I was going to stop at the picture. But I read your article — and I’m semi-convinced to give it a try. I’m depressed and think I will try anything to move out of this terrible mind-eating zone. Anything. When you described “start warm and end warm” you gave me a way to try it. Going 5 minutes is going to be … hard. Maybe I’ll never get to that moment of comfort. And I can’t exactly wear a watch or look at my phone while I’m in the shower. But I’m going to try it. At least once. Long as I can. (P.S. I’m from the tropics but took up skiing in Colorado and now I love the cold, tolerate it well, even in awful windy wintry Cleveland. I still live in Denver.)