Thank you for writing this rebuttal to the MeToo movement. I’m a woman, 71 years old now, and experienced years of flirting from men. Most of it was just that, flirting. Construction workers whistled at me — depending on my mood, I’d wave and smile (it’s nice to get a compliment even from a stranger who might not have the best intentions — but some days, it would boost my sagging spirits) OR I would give them the finger (and some of his friends would applaud. I’ve traveled to Buenos Aires where I felt so completely noticed by men, yet not ever touched or approached non-consensually, I felt alive and lovely again — at age 50. It just depends on where you are. And what your mindset is.
As for people who lie about someone making advances or even raping them — that’s heinous. Why would someone harbor that much hatred? At any rate, Sangram, thank you for this article.