Stevie, this was the first nice article I read on Medium this morning, so I was sort of a human twister by the time I read Twister. I was kind of hard on you, and I didn’t know anymore about you at that time. So, sorry I came across as just critiqueing you — that was ornery of me! And after I wrote that about Bertha and hit publish, I thought, dang, you didn’t even look that up. Acting like the smarty pants that I am. Sorry again!
I grew up around hurricanes on the west coast of Florida, so I could tell you more about hurricanes than you’d ever want or need to know. But when I was a kid (not a homeowner-adult), they were a lot of fun — getting ready for them, filling up the bathtubs with water, pulling candles and flashlights out. And we kids would do crazy things while they were howling around the house for hours. Once we walked out into the eye of the storm — when all the winds go away for who knows how long. That was something I’ll never forget! We walked out into a nearby bay that had completely emptied of water! Then we ran back home before the eye passed and the winds returned. So, there’s a hurricane story for you!