My problem is the opposite — I keep waking at 4 am like clockwork. But I was going to bed at 10–10:30 wishing, hoping against all the odds that I’d sleep 7.5 hours. Precisely that number. Big Duh! It never worked!
Because of your article, especially beginning with Murakami’s description of his writing/exercising workday, I just moved bedtime back to 9 pm. Yep, I’m stubborn. When I started journaling nearly 30 years ago, I woke up automatically at 4:30 am. I loved (and still do) writing in the dark morning, watching the sun rise — after I’ve written pages. Now I have two novel rewrites, at least one Medium article a day, and other random things to write. I do briskly walk (uphill and down) 5 miles a day and do strengthening exercises. Sleep is the key — as you stated!
Thanks so much for your clarity and simplicity, and no whining. You deserve every single clap you got.