Milli, nice to find you again — writing! I read this article — actually skimmed because I wanted to give the next person who suggested an outline for me to write these 19 answers! But I knew from the beginning that I’m a “pantser.” Yes, fly by the seat of my pants. I started my first novel in my journal when a couple characters showed up, nearly fully formed, one morning. First and last names, backstories nearly complete, and first event. I wrote what came to my mind from, apparently, theirs. Then stopped and told “them” I didn’t write fiction. Hell, I didn’t know what I was doing! Second day, they returned; my same response; third day, returned but this time I just jumped in. Was I forced to be a pantser? Nah, I’d always let my journal take me places I never expected to go — and usually been wildly rewarded. Especially over time.
I’ve given a go at outline, even as casual as mind-mapping, all that. But I need to really like my characters, and then they become real to me. I try stuff on with them, some sticks, some doesn’t. I like this one reason — outlines give an author an excuse to procrastinate! Yep. I was very sick when I wrote that first journal — the fun I had writing it may have saved my life. Now I’m finally doing the rewrite, and it might even be more fun!
I like your insights into the writing process, Milli. Keep up the good work. Maybe an article about being a pantser? Or maybe that’s my cue!