Meredith, I’m a HUGE proponent of journaling. I made a promise to myself quite awhile back to journal daily for one full year. I started on January 1, 1992. And haven’t stopped! The first thing it did was to bring me to healing of something so dark and deep, I had to spend that whole year coaching it out into the open. Last night I was reading about that 10,000-hour rule for achieving excellence in whatever you’re pursuing. I wondered how much writing I had done so far. It came up around 12,000 hours! But honestly, that wasn’t the point, ever. It’s what journaling gave back to me, every day, no matter what situation I was in on that particular day.
Keep going! Write more! Pick up a couple of books that will inspire to push on — “Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg, and “Bird by Bird” by Anne LaMott. Both books give exercises to play around with. Have fun!