In the midst of reading an intense nonfiction book recommended by Barack Obama, I took a break to read more stories on Medium. AND, quite fortuitously found your article, Jane T.! I’m trying to figure out what to do next, at age 77-1/2 years, not much money (lost all my assets from an inherited liver disease ending in transplant! But I’m actually quite healthy at this point, and looking around for more to do. And want to hang out with younger and more intellectually oriented folks. I did finally decided NOT to move, but to make my environment easier, then focus on finding more suitable people to dive deeply into whatever topics suit us. Like REGULARLY! You’ve inspired me…A LOT. Thank you.
I too love podcasts and have several favorites - beginning with Letters from an American, by Heather Cox Richardson. But I love Seth Meyers and John Oliver, Ezra Klein (NYT), the Daily Beans (political - highly recommend) and even one about meditation & being happier.
Thanks for your inspiration! Oh, I do live in Denver, Colorado, which is criss-crossed by MANY walking & biking trails. I can walk all the way downtown (& have) on Cherry Creek Trail!