I went through 11 years of an autoimmune liver disease (PSC) that ended in liver transplant. Those 11 years of my life were the hardest I lived. And three years post-transplant I’m still recovering from them. (I don’t think that part has ever been documented — that’s my topic now.) I learned the most of how to cope from people with chronic illness like yourself. And I’ve written about that. Your energy envelope concept really makes sense — and goes beyond the Spoon Theory by being more specific. I read this now for a friend (who isn’t on Medium) who now has many autoimmune disorders plus a new one that so far no one has been able to figure out. Her days and nights are now flipped — in bed 15–16 hours a day and active just 8 hours. She needs all the support she can get.
Thank you for your excellence in writing about energy envelopes.