I wasn’t going to read this article because of the title. I thought it was going to another one of the Medium articles that tell all the rest of us writers why we suck and why you’re so great. I saw I was following you already, and I almost clicked unfollow. Then I read #1. Whut? Rude to service people. Well, at least it wasn’t about writing. So I basically skimmed the rest, read the 10 bolded subheads.
Then I flipped down and read the first comment. And it hit me what bothered me about the whole list. This guy had to tell you not to judge him because he didn’t take the stairs — even though his legs looked perfectly. You are excessively judgmental. I could just say, “get over it.” But you won’t. Ihope you work on growing some more compassion for others — and hey, for yourself. You aren’t so fine yourself. You write sucky headlines. And newsflash: if someone is rude to a service person, how about you take up some of the slack for that service person and let them know you didn’t like what you saw. Something.