I took the Gretchen Rubin test and I’m a Questioner. Didn’t surprise me. And I do run into problems when I won’t do things other people are just complying with. That doesn’t make sense to me. BUT that tendency really came in handy when I got seriously ill many years ago and it took 8–9 months for doctors to get a diagnosis. It was a real crappy one that went on for 11 years till I finally got a transplant. And I can attribute my finally getting that life-saving transplant to my drive to research the hell out of everything, not do the ordinary things others in my situation were just going along with, and stick to my goal. No wavering. No unbelief. I was getting that transplant. I had to do radical things to get it (not unlawful — not my deal!) and the outcome was fabulous. But being a rule-follower, or even being rebel just because, I could never do that. Well, maybe some of the rebel. Generally I like order.
It must be quite a challenge to be a rebel, Shannon, but the way you framed it here made more sense to me than any other rebellion ever has. Your writing keeps getting better — just when I thought it was already great. You’re proving yourself to be intelligent and creative above everything else — every day, every new post.