I think personality disorders are thought of as part of a person’s DNA, as in born with the POTENTIAL for a particular disorder of personality. There are many personality disorders, and I could burden you with 10 of them (!) or allow you to look up more on your own. Personality was first called “character” by the ancient Greeks. But I digress. Even psychiatrists get muddled in these disorders and many personality disorders flow over into yet another one (like narcissistic to borderline personality disorder). I might have picked up some of my mother’s narcissistic “behaviors” without having the disorder itself. In fact, I did read a book about narcissism by a Jungian therapist, and the knowledge itself was enough for me to learn about not only my mother’s true disorder and the growth it took towards more behaviors, but also to some behaviors I might have learned from her — unwittingly. The knowledge helped me a lot.
My suggestion to you, Ranjeet, is to read more about narcissism — in a deep way. Add to your own knowledge base — before you take off on your own quest to apply the disorder to pets, leaders, whole nations. In other words, I’d simply say — you don’t know what you’re talking about, based on one very short article not written by an expert. Just look further. You seem like a curious fellow. Be well.