I only last week asked and found out what “OK Boomer” means. I was furious, after a first curious phase (lasting about 3 minutes). I love what you described here about what it means to be a Baby Boomer and how not-so-awful a large percentage of us are. And are in fact somewhat enlightened and aware. Then we have to separate the millionaire Boomers and how different they are than ones who protested war (more than once), fought for women’s rights, won Roe v. Wade, and support climate change and have for many years before it was “popular” and “cool.” You have a stellar technology history. And I just want to thank you for standing up for our generation. BTW, i read that Barack Obama was termed an “OK Boomer” the other day by Lisa Lerer, Washington Post writer. I found that funny because she was criticizing him for trying to coach Democrat candidates on how to win an election, and how the American public thinks and votes. Hmm. Nice company to have. Along with YOU!