I didn't know what a soldier did until I married one. We were both 20 years old. But when he met me in Hawaii for his Rest & Recreation, then one night started describing flying his small single-engine plane up & down a river, killing "gooks" - yes, Vietnamese not shooting at him or his fellow shooter. That's when I got it - as in Totally Got It. I was done right that minute. Sick to death of this man I had married. I had been indoctrinated well. But shed it all in one or two sentences. The Vietnam War - an illegal war. Afghanistan - an undeclared and never-ending way. Iraq - convincing Congress of Big Lies to "vote" for a war. That still has not ended. Occupied. When I visit other countries, the people want to know how I feel about our current president, what I think of war. The rest of the world knows who we are. Thank you for your powerful words.