I did read the entire story. I don’t comment on articles I don’t read thoroughly. How dare you judge me. Let’s put it that way. I had to survive a dire, consequential genetic liver disease (just for emphasis — NOT an alcoholic — through my DNA) called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. I had plenty of chances to die — internal bleed that wouldn’t stop at the end of which I had a grand mal seizure — and then Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome as a result of the pancreatitis from 25 complex endoscopic procedures — 2 weeks in ICU trying to breathe. Not being able to work after the first 4 years of the nasty disease due to numerous hospitalizations and super-fatigue along with other awful side effects. I did freelance editing for a friend (from kindergarten) who was editor-in-chief for a couple of retail magazines in NYC — $300/month and then $600 when I was put on the masthead finally. Yes, I got disability which wasn’t enough to keep my condo in Denver — so I had to sell that at a loss. I also was diagnosed with breast cancer during this GRAND period of 11 years in my life. Oh, but first I earned a master’s degree in Humanities making all As, and making A+ on my creative project from my committee who loved my multi-genre memoir.
Yeah, I looked around for gigs on the internet and saw those that you describe — just couldn’t do it.
We all have choices, Mr. Edwards. Mr. Trump cheated his way through school, too — remember that. Even paid people to take his SATs and I’m certain, wrote his papers. For pay. Maybe a lot bigger pay than you got. I DO believe you were cheated by the small amounts you were paid for YOUR intellectual property — your mind. And what comes out of it. And yeah, I’ve survived a whole helluva lot. No, I didn’t have a child — but a precious cat who lived through all that with me till she reached nearly 16.
Oh, I also had to leave the transplant center I was at in Denver because I was NEVER going to get a transplant there. The transplant world is complex, so I won’t get into all the mechanisms of that. I called the main agency, United Network of Organ Sharing and asked for their help to find a transplant center that would save my pathetic little life. I finally chose Cleveland Clinic — and had a liver transplant within 6 months of my first call — arriving there on one of their private jets that picked me and my best friend up to make the trip. Oh, and the university I went to and the classes I took — was the Real Deal. My professors were top in their fields and required quality thinking AND writing. Which I did, sick as a dog, to the very best of my ability. No scam going on there. My English lit teacher is THE main academic voice for Kazuo Ishiguro, a many-time Booker Prize winner and Nobel Prize for Literature. And when she was visiting him in London I filled in for her class for “The English Patient.” Not a scam. Also, Cleveland Clinic, #2 hospital after Mayo, #1 — all the time — in the US, which means “world.”