I am. Also very wound up about this climate crisis. We’re having a very hot summer in Denver, certainly not our usual at all. I’m involved in a class I’m thinking of dropping — Content Marketing. Learning SEO and all that. Promising good financial returns — within 8–10 months. Two days from now I turn 74, so I’m at a point where I don’t really feel like “squeezing” my OWN work in! 8–10 months is damn near a year. (Wow, I think I just made my decision!!!) I have lots of article ideas, plus I have two novels to rewrite and publish, and a memoir of my cat Violet (in her voice!). Things that really rev me up.
I haven’t been following Medium too much lately, but going back to that. I can’t handle reading or watching the news anymore. I really am loads happier without the daily trash of it. Hope to be seeing more of your writing once I’m back on Medium — but will also look up your work!
Take care, also hope you are well, Tessa