Gotta say, Vincent, you came the closest to answering what Umair was asking. We're looking at not one but TWO GENERATIONS of people who have just blithely accepted all these tech changes - that personally drive me over the damn edge! I'm a boomer - yes, and was a feminist hippie protester in the 1970s - when it mattered. I haven't lost that spirit. But I was really CONFUSED by the generation that followed mine. The women hiked themselves back up on HIGH STILT-LIKE HEELS - when we had shown them how beneficial Birkenstocks and just damn sneakers were much more efficient and EFFECTIVE - when you need to run for your life! So this nonsense of young women wearing super-high heels stumbling around and wearing dresses and jackets to work that showed - CLEAVAGE??? Seriously? They didn't learn a damn thing from the lessons WE did, and gave them generously onward??? As for Instagram - I'll never understand that. Frankly I don't and didn't care if ANYONE liked or loved what I did. EXCEPT for what was important to ME. I spent hours and years becoming an accomplished pianist and accompanist - on my own, and collaboratively. My drive wasn't necessarily "rewarded" by my narcissistic mother. But I got over HER, too. And fought back AGAINST HER, too. To become a new ME. I had my own groups I fit into. And hell yes, I protested!!! Walking miles to do so. Without a damn connection (a phone) in my pocket.
Do I understand what's happening now? Yeah, I do. But the next generation has to kick in and do THEIR work. Some are - AOC, Maxwell Frost - in Congress, fighting OUR battles andd theirs.