Getting or not getting Covid isn’t a matter of luck. BUT if you think it is, here’s how to improve your luck - live like I do! I’m a transplant recipient and I HAVE to take medication to SUPPRESS my immune system - in order to KEEP my precious (and very expensive) new organ. Otherwise my once very healthy immune system would have rejected it - within a very short time. I wrote an article on Medium on this topic - How to Live Like a Transplant Recipient - and basically how to avoid getting ANY virus. I forget the exact title but if you look up my name Dana Bennett on Medium.
I have not gotten Covid, not even a hint of it. So I know the protocols I use really work.
When I wrote it, there were NO vaccines. So my rules don’t include that question. Oh I’ve gotten as much help as I can. But I also know the vaccines don’t work as well on me and my fellow transplant recipients. OH we’re worried all right. So I still follow all the rules handed to me along with the new life-saving organ I got.
You can follow them too. I still do. Covid is NOT done with us. May never be. But I have an arsenal of good practices I’m sharing with you. Also. I’m 75 years old and still walk daily and eat healthy. YOU could have the same success I’ve had.