Funny thing happened on my way to Medium - I remembered how the book started exactly. Maybe because I'm a medical freak (or necessity or whatever). He had that humongous brain injury when he was accidentally slugged in the face by a powerfully handled baseball bat! Remember that. So he had a Traumatic Brain Injury - to recover from. He doesn't mention that. But he was a senior in HS and went to college at the end of that summer (I believe). I ALSO had a Traumtic Brain Injury last fall and I am basically fucked up by that - and my healthcare people have been paying to Covid - and not processing my need for a BETTER recovery than I've had so far. LAST FALL is when it finally "went public," you might say. Fell on my face on a hospital campus in front of all these medical folks, who knew what to do - emergency wise anyway. A TBI affects your whole brain functioning. I haven't written a single article on Medium this year or last.
SO, I'm going to be using those tiny habits (I forget them all now) to recover from my TBI.
Sorry about all the people asking you about reading the book. I only suggested it once to a young grand-nephew just heading off to college. Other than that. it's a well-kept secret - or so. BUT, thanks for kicking off that memory for me, Sean!