For some reason, this relatively short article hit the right button for me. It was the description of your leaving process: quitting school and work (thank goodness I have neither of those), selling most of your stuff, then getting rid of your apt. I have said those words and thought and dreamed them so many times, I've lost count. I'm much older than you, but it's never too late to go after your real dreams. I haven't wanted to maintain my "stuff" for at least 3 years now. Like I said, short article but you hit the right button for me. I want to be a fiction writer, but don't really know enough about it - yet. I've written two full-length novels and had the most fun ever in my life. Now I just need to clear the way (getting rid of STUFF to take care!), and do more learning about writing fiction. I feel like I'm already on the way. Oh, you have a new follower on Twitter - already did that! Thank you, Philip. I signed up for your newsletter, too.