Excellent advice from the voice of experience. I too am a transplant recipient, but not nearly as complicated as yours. I received a life-saving donor liver almost 4 years ago. I didn’t have to go through all the truly intense training you did, BUT I wash my hands like you do, and am careful the way you are in public. I do own an N95 mask last fall because I ride bus and Light Rail in Denver. And have to go pick up meds at a pharmacy inside a grocery store. I wear latex gloves there, too. I wipe down the things I buy, and now not very much produce (soak it in water). But perhaps that’s overdoing it. I was glad to hear you said there was no need to shower when you return home. I haven’t. I started self-quarantining on March 7th. And City and County of Denver is on lockdown now. Groceries and pharmacy only. And people at the Dollar Store yesterday were very respectful — keeping 6 feet of distance in line and in the store! I was amazed and very happy with my fellow Denveradoes!
Thank you so much for writing and vetting this article. I know what you mean about your gratitude to your transplant physician. I have a photo of my transplant surgeon on my kitchen table — My Hero!