Everyone seems to forget how James Clear got into his "tiny habits." Because he had a HUGE Traumatic Brain Injury. Remember that part? Smashed in the face (accidentally) by a baseball bat. Welp, I had a Traumatic Brain Injury last fall - at home, got daily headaches, but then a month later fell flat on my face on a hospital campus - lucky me. When I finally looked up - there were all these caring faces looking down at me, but several people hustling to get an ambo to drive me around the corner to the HUGE ER there. Last thing I remembered was the sound of the ambo's unique motor sound taking off. And then next the hallucinations over the next few days while I instructed the surgical team what to do - "So who's gonna drill into my skull and let the blood out?" Yeah, that alert - but not really.
That was LAST FALL - Sept. 3, 2021 - and my mind still isn't working quite right yet. But finally tomorrow I'm going to a Neuro Occupational Therapist and be evaluated for Physical Therapy. Something James Clear likely got soon after his head injury - because great set of parents made sure.
I haven't contributed any articles to Medium. Just occasional responses - which surprise me when they show up with 10 views.
If I'd been a veteran, I could have gone to the VA for help. But I'm not, so I didn't know what to do. I also had 2 more neurosurgeries because subdural hematomas can reform - which mine did, and somehow I knew to call 911 and unlock my front door. So, with this reminder from Sean Kernan, I DEFINITELY WILL return to James Clear's advice about some of those tiny habits. My apt. looks like a nuclear weapon went off inside it. Yep, need some advice on some tiny habits that worked for him to deal with his Traumatic Brain Injury.