Christina, are you really a “disabled writer” or simply a Writer who has disabilities? I think there’s a big difference. I was hit by a big illness right when my life was taking off, I had finally, at age 57, discovered the career I had been seeking for most of my life: teacher. The short version is this — what I had really wanted was to be a writer, my true passion, but had been too afraid of both success and failure to take that big step. This illness forced me finally to give up everything I had worked for till I was down to the bone. Then, I starting writing. There was nothing left to fear. Nothing else I could do but write. I was sick for 11 years before I got my life-saving liver transplant, so I had plenty of time for writing — two novels, a memoir for my cat, 250+ poems, and freelance writing that helped pay the bills that disability didn’t cover.
Recently I saw a fourth therapist who (finally) confirmed for me I had medical PTSD. It’s a real thing and you have enough history of medical issues to warrant that tag. There is help for it. I researched that version of PTSD for years without finding a thing about it. Doctors don’t like to talk about it — I have some guesses why but I just know they don’t talk about it.
One thing I share with you is your persistence. I’m not sure where that comes from, but you’ve got it in bucketloads! I’ll be looking for more of your articles and poems. So very glad you wrote this article — thank you!!!